Skills Included in Set Five

For a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, ai, ay, ea, ee, oa and ow Box 1 6 pictures for use with all yellow and all blue Movable Alphabet
Box 2 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
Box 3 6 pictures with black-lettered word cards
For igh, y (i), y (e), ie and ey Box 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 3/4 pictures for use with all yellow and all blue Movable Alphabet
Box 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 3/4 pictures with color-coded word cards
Box 11 Final box of all 18 words with black-lettered word cards
mixed Box 12 For "mixed" long vowel patterns, the teacher decides how to group the pictures, keeping color-coded labels together and black-lettered labels together. It is recommended that not over 15 pictures be placed into each box.

Set Five — Other Reading Skills

al ball er herd le saddle
wall fern candle
walk camper cattle
stalk pickle
chalk spindle
stall bundle
aw saw ir stir dge badge
hawk first ledge
paw third hedge
yawn bridge
shawl judge
claw fudge
oi oil or world compound word milkman
coin worm lipstick
point doctor dustpan
boil rainbow
soil railroad
join raincoat
oy toy ur fur two syllables ladder
boy curb pepper
oyster curl zipper
joy runner
soybean drummer
decoy swimmer
ou cloud oo zoo c before e, i, y cyclone
couch spool cigar
mouth boom mice
pouch tooth ice
house stool circle
flour spoon bicycle
ow owl oo foot g before e, i, y page
cow book gypsy
bow wood gym
gown cook stage
clown brook hinge
crowd hoof giant

Contents of Other Reading Skills Boxes

al Box 1 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
aw Box 2 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
al, aw Box 3 12 pictures with black-lettered word cards
oi Box 4 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
oy Box 5 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
oi, oy Box 6 12 pictures with black-lettered word cards
ou Box 7 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
ow Box 8 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
ou, ow Box 9 12 pictures with black-lettered word cards
oo Box 10 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
oo Box 11 6 pictures with color-coded word cards
oo, oo Box 12 12 pictures with black-lettered word cards
er Box 13 3 pictures with color-coded word cards
ir Box 14 3 pictures with color-coded word cards
or Box 15 3 pictures with color-coded word cards
ur Box 16 3 pictures with color-coded word cards
er, ir, or, ur Box 17 12 pictures with black-lettered word cards
le Box 18 6 pictures with color-lettered word cards
le Box 19 6 pictures with black-lettered word cards
dge Box 20 6 pictures with color-lettered word cards
dge Box 21 6 pictures with black-lettered word cards
compound word Box 22 6 pictures with color-lettered word cards
Box 23 6 pictures with black-lettered word cards
two syllables Box 24 6 pictures with color-lettered word cards
Box 25 6 pictures with black-lettered word cards
c before e, i, y Box 26 12 pictures with color-lettered word cards
Box 27 12 pictures with black-lettered word cards
g before e, i, y Box 28 12 pictures with color-lettered word cards
Box 29 12 pictures with black-lettered word cards